New Home Makers' Quizlette: Alexandra Cadena Stempel

Welcome to our New Home Makers' Quizlette: A place where we get all the details from real people with real lives and very real budgets all on a quest to build the modern home. No fuss. No frill. Just facts (plus some furniture).
Name: Alexandra Cadena Stempel
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
Location: Los Angeles
Occupation: Script Coordinator
Type of home: A very old charming apartment
Time in your space: 6ish years
Cohabitants: My husband and our sweet angel dog, Frida.
Side tables:
Where you cook:
Where you dream:
Your biggest splurge: This Gae Aulenti pipistrello lamp that I coveted with a passion. It still makes my heart flutter.
Latest addition: Our new couch!
Your go to recipe: There are dishes I keep coming back to despite being someone who cooks a lot and experiments with a lot of new dishes. For example, I make arepas almost every single day. Always the same — cheese and butter. Last year I had an almost concerning hyper fixation with a delicious couscous recipe from NYTCooking by the amazing Melissa Clark. It’s so creamy and hearty. I could eat it every single day with a mountain of dill and cilantro for sprinkling.
I also adore #thestew by Alison Roman. It’s a classic for a reason. Her latest recipe, a lentil soup with squash is also becoming a classic in my home. Another slam dunk.
Your trusty steed (thing that you cannot live without): My Dyson vacuum. Greatest thing I’ve ever bought.
"Homemaker" idol: Nancy Meyers! She really sparked a curiosity in me for interiors. I wanted to have a little charming cottage in the English countryside, a mansion in Los Angeles, a house I could remodel in Santa Barbara while simultaneously having an affair with my architect (my husband is an architect which makes this scenario even more attainable).
I also loved Dakota Johnson’s home in the Hollywood Hills (I love limes!), I adored Troye Sivan’s home in Melbourne, Joan Didion’s New York apartment was a dream come true. I also think about Molly Baz’s Los Angeles home quite a bit. I love the prosciutto-themed bathroom.
A tip (advice for an aspiring homemaker): My advise, which is often dismissed, is to not rush through the process of decorating a space. I think collecting pieces that you adore over time is such a special thing — it brings your personal style into your home in a way that rushing the process will never be able to. I love seeing a home and thinking it reflects its owner perfectly. Time is so valuable when getting to know a home or an apartment and its needs (and your needs within it). Don’t be scared of blank corners or empty spaces, worry about filling them meaningfully.
Today's to do list:
- Dishes. Always dishes.
- Make that lentil squash soup I was talking about earlier
- Pay for a parking ticket. Gotta love Los Angeles